03 June 2010

Media: my view

There is something that has been bothering me for quite some time and i just can't hold it in anymore. i know it's not healthy to hold anything in, especially something as negative as this, but until i started this blog i didn't have anyone to talk to who i could share all my thoughts with.

Among my friends and family i have to be careful what topics i approach with them and how i word my thoughts. i know this doesn't sound good, but my family is quite dysfunctional and my friends are sensitive on certain controversial topics.

i really can't stand how media only portrays one side of each story. No matter what the topic is: politics, religion, education, human rights, etc. Pick any topic, issue or concern!! Whether the 'news story' is coming from tv, radio, newspaper, etc they all have to pander to the general leaning of views of the owners of their media outlets, if they don't they're out of a job. Makes me think monopoly. See a lot of people think monopolies are only a company having the lion's share of control over a certain service, commodity, etc. Anyone who owns a news tv station, radio, newspaper, etc, have a monopoly (complete control) over what their employees portray to the public!

Now i do realize that many people might disagree with me on this, journalists at least, i'm assuming, but keep in mind this is my opinion.

It really makes me mad when people read the newspaper and, well....lets say a woman reads an article in her local newspaper on local politics while she's having breakfast. She reads that journalist's, or the owner of the newspaper's view on the situation and thinks, so this is how it is? No! It's not! There are always two sides to every story and the public usually is fed only ONE side of that story.

I always suggest to people that they do research and find out what the other side of the story is before making their opinion and especially before acting on it!! That's what i do. I do realize that not everyone has the time to research the other side of every story, but please do it for the important ones. When an issue is important, or a race or religion is being 'bashed' (can't think of a better word for it), please find out what the truth is, don't rely on one or two journalists to tell you what your opinion should be. A long, long time ago newspapers were first published so that the public could be more informed about the truth of important things, and the letter from the editor was the only opinion piece. Now they are mostly opinions. It really makes me wonder where the world will be 20, 50 or even 100 years from now.
This has been my opinion and view of the 'media' at our disposal, would love to hear what yours is!!!


  1. I hear you on this one, but for me and this is what I believe that if there is moe than one source of media telling the story the very same what than there must be some sort of truth to it. Some things you will not be able to find the truth. Like when it comes to a government thing. Cause the government likes to hide a lot of the true facts so no one really knows the truth unless they work for that part of the government. But yes when you hear a story from only one source people should research it and learn more about it.

  2. i understand what you're saying, that if more than one source of media is saying exactly the same thing, presenting the same facts and offering the same conclusions, then most people do tend to think it is the truth, but what are the sources of this media, for example are they all run by people in one country. ok so we're in Canada, and say there are 3 different media outlets telling the same story in exactly the same way, but they are all owned by Canadians, chances are extremely high that they are all of the same biases, same political leanings, etc.
    Another way to look at it is western media is extremely prejudiced. I like to get my news from media whose ownership is based in different countries, you get to more of the truth this way IMHO
