30 May 2011

Challenge accepted

For the past few years I have wanted to lose weight. Yes, I'd say to people I'm trying to lose weight, yet I didn't slow down on my love of  'junk food' and although i did make some attempts to get more exercise, i now feel that it is time to do more. But do what?

I have Fibromyalgia as well as many other medical conditions. I'm limited physically in how much i can do each day. So, while i am making a commitment to get as much exercise as possible and my mind is firmly set on limiting my intake of the snacks that i love, I'm not sure how this will turn out yet.

 I am hoping to be successful, and live up to the challenge that i received yesterday to lose at least 20-40lbs!!

Beyond what I've mentioned I'm not sure what i can do to effectively help me to shed the lbs that i really do need to shed. If anyone has any good and serious suggestions please share!!

I don't have a scale here at home so I'm not sure how I'm going to be able to monitor my progress. I'm guessing i will need to find someone who does have a scale that they will let me use once a week. I will let you know how it is going whenever possible.

16 May 2011

Neanderthals Made Last Stand at Subarctic Outpost?

Neanderthals Made Last Stand at Subarctic Outpost?

It's been a long time since i've been able to do anything here, my computer broke down and couldn't be fixed, i'm trying to save money to get another computer but it's taking a long time on my limited income. Yesterday my mom brought over her computer, she's lending it to me for a while, she's working out of town and has another computer at her disposal so she was able to help me out by letting me borrow this one. So i'm back and happy about that.

The link found at the top of this post is to an article i've just read touching on one of the things that i love and i very much recommend this. It's a good short read.