28 June 2010

A few of my current thoughts

Today has been a bad day for me healthwise...well actually for the last 5 or 6 days i have been in a lot more pain than usual. I know that extra pain was triggered by stress. My Mom was in the hospital twice last week, and no the doctors have not figured out yet what is wrong. Sometimes i really would like to do something nasty to those doctors but i don't follow through with it because i am trying to be a good latter-day saint and to me, hurting those doctors that aren't figuring out what is wrong would take me off my path. I've been praying and hoping that they will very soon find out what is wrong and do what needs to be done to help my Mom.

But that isn't all that is stressing me. I've mentioned before that i am waiting to hear from a friend that is far away. I still haven't heard from this friend. I woke up from a nap just a little while ago during my nap i had a dream that he was in some kind of accident and was hurt very badly. I hope and pray that he is well and happy. I had thought i would have heard something from him by now but maybe i'm just being too anxious. Is it possible that he is just busy with other things and has not yet had time to contact me? I don't know. I will keep hoping to hear from him.

My Mom decided, since all the troubles with her health recently and because she is trying to get rid of as much stress as possible she decided to finally let me have her dog. I've only been asking for him since she got him, i think it was about 6 yrs ago but i'm not sure on the time frame. He's a Bichon Maltese, his name is Muffy and now he is finally mine!!! I am so happy about that!!! Of course he also responds to the name Honey since that is what i've always called him whenever i've been alone with him. While he was my mom's dog whenever she went on a trip or had to be away from home overnight Muffy would come and stay with me. and i always called him Honey. So, Mom if you're reading this then next when you visit us he may or may not respond to Muffy but we'll just have to wait and see....

I've been reading a lot lately. I finished reading the books, The Old Curiosity Shop, Drum's Ring and am now reading The Apocalypse Watch. All of those are good books, I really like all of them for different reasons. I love all Charles Dickens books. Drum's Ring i was first intrigued my the historical setting and the great amount of effort that went into detail, i was saddened near the end when one of my favorite characters was killed, although unintentionally. i am only 100 pages into The Apocalypse Watch but i am really enjoying it. I love these types of books(spy,espionage)not quite sure how to classify it. I love that it's various characters are in several different countries and that some few get to travel between them. I am loving the suspense and am probably going to continue reading it after i finish this post because i am anxious to see if a terrible occurrence that was predicted by one character is going to come to pass or not. i am hoping not. Maybe someday i'll share the reason that i started being obsessed with books when i was 10, but i won't share that today.

One other happy thing to mention is that the last time i spoke to my sister she had said she would come visit me after work. I really hope she does, i could sure use some distraction from the things that are stressing me right now. If she does come over tonite she'll probably be here around 6:30 so that gives me a little bit of time to do some reading

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