20 July 2010


Monday, well it looked like a nice day outside and my cat was out of food so i decided to take a walk to the store and get her some food. Good or bad decision? Well, it was good because my cat needed food, but i had no idea not even a hint of what was about to happen.

There's a shortcut that i've been using since the beginning of this year, a non-paved alley, and by that i mean it's one of the few dirt roads that we have around here, although this alley is half dirt and half rocks.

Usually i wear my black sandals because they allow me to have more secure footing, (my pain consultant has been telling me for two years at least that i have weak ankles and need footwear that gives support to my ankles...i thought yeah that's nice in theory but in summer i love to wear my sandals, which don't have any ankle support) I had already left the building before i realized i had my brown sandals instead of the black ones i usually wear. Well, my mind was distracted by quite a few things that i've been thinking over recently which accounts for why i had not been paying attention to which sandals were on my feet.

So here i am in the middle of the shortcut which i must say is very uneven ground to be walking on even in the best of circumstances, but i'd walked it so many times i was feeling confident. Halfway through said shortcut my right ankle decided to give out on me and i fell. I landed on my hands and knees and my right knee landed a lot harder than my left one. My first thought was, have i broken anything? I wasn't feeling any pain so i got up and realized that part of my right knee and most of the leg was scraped up pretty good. I was bleeding but very slowly so i quickly made the decision to continue on to the store, after all my cat still needed food. I also want to say here that i always go to that store because all the ladies are so nice to me there and i feel so much at home, as apposed to the other stores around here that make me feel like i'm an unwelcome intruder.

By the time i got to the store my leg was feeling a bit stiff and i was starting to feel some pain but it was nothing compared to the pain i go through everyday(for those of you who don't know i have Fibromyalgia as well as CFS and many other medical conditions) i cleaned out my 'injury' the best that i could with clean cloths given to me by the lady that was working that afternoon. I then did my purchases and continued on my way home. By the time i reached home i was in so much more pain, having a hard time bending my knee and my hip had started to hurt as well. I was grateful to be home and to be able to get a better look at my 'injury' and to clean it out properly and sit with my leg up and the area in question covered by a cold cloth. In this way i got the bleeding to stop.

The pain, especially the pain in my hip continued to increase. My 'fall' had happened early afternoon and as the afternoon wore on the pain increased so much i was in tears(now those that know me best know i have a very high tolerance for pain and do everything i possibly can to hide the fact that i am feeling pain, so they know that when i am showing by my body language that i am feeling pain then it is very, very, very bad) By about 6:30 i was in so much pain i was feeling desperate, so i reached out for my favorite means of comfort-prayer. i knew i could not go see a doctor so i asked what can i do? the answer came quickly and i made a phone call and within half a hour the missionaries along with a brother from the church that they happened to have with them at the time were here to give me a blessing. I don't know how to express sufficiently how grateful i am that they were able to do this and arrived so quickly.

Now, more than 24hrs after my fall i am still in some pain, i'm barely having any trouble walking which when this happened walking was almost an insurmountable feat! The pain in consequence of this incident is almost gone, i am still having some pain with my hip but not much. I am so thankful, grateful and feel so blessed right now, i truly feel that 'my cup runneth over'!!!

I suspect that my hip may be bothering me for the next few days, but i am so much recovered compared to yesterday that i feel i will be smiling much today!!

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