17 September 2012

Busy to Boring

    The last half of this week was stressing and busy, well for me anyway, others probably wouldn't have considered it busy but with the way that my life goes it was busy for me. I have been scrambling to try my best to get some documents together for my annual review(for my geared-to-income apartment), which included many phone calls, and I do mean many these kept me occupied from Wednesday to Friday morning. Why is it that when you need to track down a few specific people you get anyone but them? So I had to make a lot of phone calls. The results are that I now have all but two of the documents, one of which will be ready to be picked up Monday morning...oh wait, it is now Monday...so just a few more hours until I can pick up that document and the last one I need is being sent in the mail. I have to have all submitted by the 21st of this month which is rapidly approaching.
     I'm planning to bring in what I have today after I pick up one of the documents in town and then I will hope that the other arrives before the 21st so that I can get that one in too.

    Friday was well, interesting, is one word for it I guess. Joram, my furry sweetheart woke me up at 4:30am as he has been doing a lot lately, he really wanted to go outside. I was lucky enough to wake up with a really bad migraine. I was dizzy and nauseous and knew I would be spending some quality time in the bathroom, which I did all morning! That finally abated around 11:30am, shortly after I got a call from a friend to invite me to go shopping with her. She knows that I don't have a car and rely on public transportation which makes it hard to get much shopping done. With how bad my Fibromyalgia is I can't carry very many bags at a time so when I take the bus into town for shopping I'm limited in what I can get.
   Long story short, my generous and kind friend that does have a car took me shopping with her. I was able to get a few things for Joram and me that I really needed including: for Joram - a new toy that he is crazy about, a clipper kit(i can now put the scissors away and trimming is so much easier), treats; for me: 2 new bras that fit good and that I am happy with, a few snacks, and a very satisfying trip to the book store.

   I usually only get one or two new books per month as I am on a very limited income, but I had some extra money this month as back pay that I was waiting for came in. That meant that I could take advantage of a promotion at the book store to get bonus points on my rewards card. I think my friend and the staff of the book store thought I had gone crazy as I was excited and quite enjoying myself in picking out my books. At the end of my good time in the book store I came away with 4 new books and two new bookmarks. My book collection is growing!!! Growing slowly but it is growing.

   Yesterday I took the opportunity to use the new clipper kit for the first time which also happened to be my first time of using a clipper ever. It was so much easier than trying to trim Joram with scissors. It was so fast. I didn't get perfect results, but I'm satisfied with my first clipper trim. Joram was really good he stood still the whole time (which never would have happened with the scissors) until I got to his front paws. He really didn't want me to trim his front paws. So I decided to leave them for now as he had been so good and plan on definitely getting his front paws trimmed later today.

This is what he looked like after his trim. I had a hard time keeping him still for the picture, had many blurry pictures. By the time I finally got this picture I was struggling with him and my phone. Didn't realize the picture was taken sideways until after. By that point I was so frustrated I decided to keep this picture and figured I could rotate it when I posted it...yet I can't figure out how to do that! Can anyone help me out on how to rotate the picture!???!

That brings us to Sunday. I wasn't feeling good at all so I decided to stay home and take it easy for the day. Turns out that I should have gone out or made some kind of plans as I ended up being so bored. But I did get through Sunday and now it's past 12am so it is now Monday although I haven't gone to sleep yet I will be headed there in a while. Hope to have good dreams!

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